ECCMID Outreach Grant

ESCMID is proud to continue the new grant with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aimed at supporting and promoting ECCMID participation from persons residing in low- and lower middle-income countries. We are happy to report that this grant covered the registration for 57 attendees from LMICs for the 31st ECCMID that took place on 9-12 July 2021, online.
We are continuing this initiative for ECCMID 2022 and expanding it to include attendees as well as speakers. Grantees will have their registration, travel and accommodation covered for the 32nd ECCMID which is set to take place in April 2022 in Portugal.
We are pleased to announce that ESCMID awarded 86 ECCMID outreach grants to support participants from LMICs to attend ECCMID 2022! Over 85% of the grantees will also be participating onsite in Lisbon, Portugal. With the support from the Gates Foundation, we were able to award over four times as many grants as were initially planned. We are excited to welcome many of the grantees for the first time to ECCMID and are happy to assist in the global development of science. Congratulations to all grantees and we look forward to seeing you in Portugal or online!
*Grantees must live/work in a Low- or Lower-middle income country as indicated by the World Bank classification from July 2021.
We are excited to be able to further ESCMID's mission of promoting and supporting research, education, training, and good medical practice across the globe.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at eccmidinfo(at)