Warning: There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites that impersonate ECCMID. We would like to alert all our members and delegates to possible scams and we strongly advise you to use only the official ECCMID online registration for your bookings.

Contact Us

ESCMID President
Prof. Maurizio Sanguinetti
Università Cattolica del S. Cuore
Rome, Italy


ECCMID Programme Director
Prof. Jacob Moran-Gilad
Ben-Gurion University
Dept. of Health Systems Management
Beer Sheva, Israel


ECCMID Scientific Secretariat
ESCMID Executive Office
Aeschenvorstadt 55
4051 Basel, Switzerland
Phone: +41 61 508 01 72 
Web: www.escmid.org


E-Mail: eccmidregistration[at]escmid.org


Sponsorship & Exhibition Team
Tel: +41 61 686 77 96
Email: eccmidindustry[at]escmid.org