Executive Committee
President: Maurizio Sanguinetti, Italy

Prof. Maurizio Sanguinetti
Università Cattolica del S. Cuore
Largo Francesco Vito 1
00167 Roma
Phone: + 39-06-3015 4964
President-elect and Secretary General: Annelies Zinkernagel, Switzerland

Prof. Annelies Zinkernagel
FMH Innere Medizin und FMH Infektiologie
Universitätsspital Zürich
Klinik für Infektiologie und Spitalhygiene
Ramistr. 100
8091 Zürich
Phone: + 41 44 255 93 45
Immediate Past President and Guidelines Officer: Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, Spain

Prof. Jesús Rodríguez-Baño
Sección Enfermedades Infecciosas
Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena
Avda. Dr. Fedriani, 3
41009 Sevilla
Phone: + 34-661437062
Scientific Affairs Officer: Jon S. Friedland, United Kingdom

Prof. Jon S. Friedland
Infectious Diseases & Immunity
St. George’s, University of London
Cranmer Terrace
SW17 0RE London
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 8383 8521
Treasurer and Financial Support Officer: Alexander W. Friedrich, Netherlands

Prof. Alexander W. Friedrich
Medical Microbiology, EB 80
Hanzeplein 1
9713 Groningen
Phone: + 31 50 361 3480
Education Officer: Robert Leo Skov, Denmark

Dr Robert Leo Skov
Infectious Disesease Preparedness
Statens Serum Institut
Artillerivej 5
2300 Copenhagen
Phone: +49 176 2144 6212
Communications and Publications Officer: Önder Ergönül, Turkey

Prof. Önder Ergönül
Koc University, School of Medicine
Infectious Diseases
P.O. Box 34450
34660 Istanbul
Phone: + 90-216-327 1010 /440
Professional Affairs Officer: Emmanuelle Cambau, France

Prof. Emmanuelle Cambau
Hopital Lariboisiere/Université Paris Diderot
2 rue Ambroise Pare
75010 Paris
Phone: + 33 1 4995 6554